Generali Sets a New Governance Model to Manage Processes' Life-cycle

Documentation of all the processes in Generali Group’s value chain and definition of a Governance Model to manage the life cycle of the processes.


Generali aimed to document the processes executed in Portugal in order to provide that information to the Generali Group and other internal divisions (e.g. Internal Audit).

Along with the documentation of the processes, Generali intended to design a Governance Model to manage the life cycle of the processes and increase the awareness of the processes in the organization.

Additionally, all the processes were assessed in terms of maturity and process mining potential, which led to a process mining proof of concept for the Quotation process.



NTT DATA Portugal analyzed internal documentation and sessions were held with process owners to gather information about the processes. The processes were documented with the information gathered and validation sessions were held with the owners of these processes to obtain their approval. An analysis of the processes in terms of Process Mining maturity and potential was performed and the processes were presented in the Generali process tool.



Generali was able to increase the maturity level of 131 processes. New business findings were made, such as that approximately 87% of processes had automated activities weighted between 0% and 25%. The insurer leveraged key information. Processes were presented in Generali's tool to support internal audits. And a new opportunity was created to analyze and select a process management tool.

Client /

  • Generali


Country /

  • Portugal

Line of Business

  • imageCross

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